Clive Murphy
was born in Liverpool in 1935. He was educated and brought up
in Ireland where he qualified as a solicitor. In 1958 he emigrated
to London. His 'Summer Overtures' was joint winner of Adam International
Review's First Novel Award in 1972. 'Freedom for Mr. Mildew' &
'Nigel Someone' appeared to critical acclaim in one volume in
1975. A series of nine recorded autobiographies, as listed on
this website, followed.
Clive Murphy's Oral Histories
Patrick Garland wrote:
"Marvellous work, full of vitality, humour, courage and
street sadness."
And Ronald Blythe wrote:
"They are a marriage of art and artlessness, and a marriage
that works. Their collective impact is extraordinary.... As
mid-wife rather than ghost Clive Murphy, has delivered an eloquent
child whose chatter has a way of slipping into revelation."
1999, Clive Murphy has published nine books of comic, often
ribald, verse. The ninth, 'Lock Up Your Sons', was published
in April 2014